What is Religion?

He wants your soul.

As long as I’ve been around people have been arguing over the definition of religion. Some say it has to do with one’s relationship with God. Some say it has to do with one’s own relationship to one’s self. Some say it has to do with one’s relationship to the cosmos, which taken this way … Continue reading

The Hero’s Journey

Last night I was watching a video presentation by David Wilcock, a noted new age thinker and lecturer, on Youtube. In his presentation he mentioned the hero’s journey as an archetype which dominates not only man as he exists on earth, but man as he exists everywhere in the universe. Obviously, he thinks that we … Continue reading

Mustard Seed Faith

I’ve always struggled with the idea of faith. What is it to begin with? Is it something that we find small at first, and then watch it grow? Maybe that notion is actually the farthest thing from the truth? In the past I’ve laid down my reasons for stating that Satan is not some other … Continue reading

Clashes Everywhere Breaking Apart Nations

As I write this problems are occurring predominantly in three nations in the world: Ukraine, Venezuela and Thailand. Mostly, these problems are due to minority groups within these nations who so identify themselves with ideas or understandings outside of those that underlie the majority consensus that drives these nations that they want out or want … Continue reading

How to Free Yourself From Original Sin

You know, Jesus preached a gospel of how to free yourself from original sin, and yet you don’t see that gospel preached in any of the churches. In the constant repetition of three’s that you see in not just the Gospels, but in many other places in the Bible as well, the teaching is hidden. … Continue reading

Conservative Disease

Recently, I came across an article on a local news website that detailed a custody situation. The players in the battle were the woman who had given birth to the child, the father and the child. The woman, Sara McKenna, was an ex-marine who had been working as a firefighter at a marine base in … Continue reading