Everybody Needs Somebody to Blame

I started out thinking that I would write this next post about my reaction to the US Supreme Court decision regarding abortion, overturning Roe vs. Wade. I am still holding that theme in my head. Now, however, it is running neck and neck with the confused thoughts of some muck raking conspiracy theorists I watched … Continue reading

Why the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

Have you ever asked yourself why God put the tree with the fruit that caused man’s downfall within the garden in the first place? There are all kinds of answers. You could say that its presence made man authentic, so long as he didn’t partake of it. I suppose that’s true, but what was man … Continue reading

Your Sins are Forgiven

When I was going to the park today I chanced by the local video store. Yes, we still have one of those in my neighborhood. The front of the place is covered in movie adverts and other kinds of posters for upcoming concerts and events. There was also a marriage notice, for the gay owners … Continue reading

The Science Behind the Resurrection

Just as Noah set loose a raven first, followed by a dove, so too did God use multiple manifestations in order to raise His son. The raven was the lasting one, who was able to fly for such a long time. The doves each would go out for the time they were strong enough to … Continue reading

What Does it Mean for Jesus to Call Himself the ‘Son of Man’?

I was just walking back in the bitter cold, minus one Fahrenheit, from dropping off last night’s movies into the Redbox when it hit me. Under the natural state of things people living outside in these conditions don’t fair very well. It’s all very good and well for that squirrel that lives out back of … Continue reading

What is Good?

When looking through the channels Sunday morning, I get over the air reception, I decided to see what some of the more obscure looking ones were. There was a lot of church stuff on. One of the obscure channels had a program where a man said something akin to, “You see this pattern over and … Continue reading

What is Religion?

He wants your soul.

As long as I’ve been around people have been arguing over the definition of religion. Some say it has to do with one’s relationship with God. Some say it has to do with one’s own relationship to one’s self. Some say it has to do with one’s relationship to the cosmos, which taken this way … Continue reading

Mustard Seed Faith

I’ve always struggled with the idea of faith. What is it to begin with? Is it something that we find small at first, and then watch it grow? Maybe that notion is actually the farthest thing from the truth? In the past I’ve laid down my reasons for stating that Satan is not some other … Continue reading

Cast Your Net on the Right Side of the Boat

For two thousand years Christianity has lingered in a period without miracles. Miracles were not just a part of Christ’s ministry, when he walked on earth. They were also a part of the normal life of the Early Church. What happened? To answer the question we need to understand that everything in the bible is … Continue reading

The Christianity of Two Minds

American Christianity, if not all of Christianity, is divided today. On the one hand there are those who would look to the teachings of Jesus and say that Christianity is about loving our brothers. On the other hand there are those who think that figuring out what’s going to happen in the soon coming apocalypse … Continue reading