Capitalizing the Citizenry

I propose that the government capitalize its citizens. I first tried to pitch the idea by saying that someone might need an F-150 truck to do business. Of course, the criticism came back that people would borrow just to get the truck, and then refuse to pay back the loan. Never mind that they would … Continue reading

General Conversation Around the State of News and the Age We Are In

I posted several things on the website that have to do with this subject. Instead of restating them, I decided to copy them, and the relevant posts from others that helped shape them. The thread title was Deep State Black Ops. I said, “So, if Putin launched a misinformation campaign against Hillary Clinton because … Continue reading

The Architecture of Frustration

I think we need to look upon the economy like a layered onion, or a tree. All of the attention is focused upon the outermost layer, the one that is growing. The trouble with the US economy is that since the 70’s the outermost layer has become detached from the domestic economy. The fact is … Continue reading

By the Sweat of Your Brow

Recently, I started a second job. It involves using my car to deliver things. Unlike my other job, though, it does not involve a delivery route. Instead it is about delivering stats, rush orders, to a laboratory. So, yes, it is still in some way related to medical deliveries. Let me tell you about how … Continue reading

What Does it Mean for Jesus to Call Himself the ‘Son of Man’?

I was just walking back in the bitter cold, minus one Fahrenheit, from dropping off last night’s movies into the Redbox when it hit me. Under the natural state of things people living outside in these conditions don’t fair very well. It’s all very good and well for that squirrel that lives out back of … Continue reading

What’s Wrong With Our Educational System?

Yesterday one of the people who rents a room in the house I also rent in and I had a conversation. He is on his way out, moving back with his parents in order to study something, computer generated art, that he hopes he can make money with. You see, he’s an art major. He … Continue reading

The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil

Yesterday I had occasion to drive by an apartment building I had wanted to move into several years ago, before I moved into the place where I live now. I liked the look of the place. Driving by caused me to recall the story of why I never lived there. In those days I was … Continue reading

The Economics of a Truly Different World Order

One of the great questions of my life, handed down to me by the quirk of my place in history, has been how to reconcile capitalism and communism. There is nothing like capitalism to provide incentive to people. The generally accepted monetary medium (and the systems that make that possible), rather than the favor of … Continue reading

The Sins of Jeroboam

Jeroboam was king over Israel after the reign of Solomon. He set up two bulls as things to worship so that the people of Israel wouldn’t turn to the temple in Jerusalem, such that their loyalties would be split between two nations. After Solomon the kingdom split into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah. Jeroboam did … Continue reading

What I Would Have Done

Ok, so this big crisis comes along and we are told that if the government doesn’t step in to bail out the banks the ATM’s won’t be open next Monday. Probably they won’t be open again for some time. Gulp! For some time the economy had been going along predominantly on one form of borrowing … Continue reading